Team | Xios Technology Corp

The Team

James Mart

Corporate James is Xios Technology Corp’s Founder, President, CEO, COO, CFO, CIO and every other C-suite title; he’s our leader and business guru. Having spent over 15 years working in corporate IT for both public and private sector organizations Corporate James has a wealth of experience in the corporate IT world and he’s ready to help you with business IT requirements.

James Mart

Start-up James is Xios Technology Corp’s resident Chief Innovation Officer. He’s the guy that is driving XTC forward, keeping us updated on all the latest technologies, and getting his hands dirty in the trenches. Need help with getting you startup technologically ready, secure, and compliant? Startup James is your guy!

James Mart

Snow James likes to spend his time outside of work in the winter on the hill riding his snowboard blasting through fresh powder in and out of the tree runs. Snow James has never met Ocean James

James Mart

Ocean James likes to spend his time outside of work in the summer paddling his board on the water and relaxing in the sunshine. Ocean James has never met Snow James